Prissila Moreno

Photograph of Prissila Moreno
Student Senate: Seat 10 Departments Finance Committee (1-Year)
Academic Area
Political Science Major
Legal Studies Minor
My Hometown
Los Angeles, California
My Pronouns
She, Her, Hers
Campaign or Slate you are associated with
UO Student Power

Tell us about yourself.

I'm Prissila Moreno and I use she/her pronouns. Originally from Los Angeles,California, I am currently a second-year political science major with a minor in legal studies.

What are the three key issues that you've noticed on campus that you hope to improve for students as an elected official? Please list each issue and briefly explain how you hope to improve it.

While recognizing the ongoing opportunities for improvement on our campus, my passion is in increasing civic engagement, supporting student organizations, and championing environmental sustainability. Despite our generation's large voter potential, turnout remains low. I'll enhance accessibility through institutional systems, engaging events, and strategic vote coalitions. Committed to supporting student organizations, I'll provide budget support, promotions, targeted training and additional resources. As a flagship university, we must demonstrate sustainable practices—addressing food waste, investing in upgrades, and implementing eco-friendly initiatives. I'll advocate for comprehensive sustainability measures, promoting renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint. Together, we'll shape a campus that meets current needs while preserving the environment for future ducks!

Why are you running?

My passion for positive change and enhancing student experiences drives my candidacy. Observing the recent political climate escalation in student government, I feel a responsibility to provide a unique perspective that genuinely represents our diverse student body. My ultimate goal is to amplify all students' voices, ensuring they're heard and witness tangible change. I look forward to the possibility of representing you and making a meaningful impact on our university community.