Election Information

Polls for the ASUO General Election will open here  at 9am on Monday, April 7, and close at 12pm on Friday, April 11th.

  • Any enrolled student who has paid the current term (or semester) Incidental Fee is eligible to vote.
  • Electronic voting occurs through Engage.
  • For in-person voting paper ballots are available in the ASUO Office, Suite 4 during regular business hours.
  • Dozens of leadership positions for one- and two-year terms are being elected.
  • Academic senate seats are tied to majors; only students with declared majors within the academic fields of study for that seat will be able to vote in that seat’s race.

Ranked Choice Voting

  • For each open position voters will indicate their first, second, and third choice from among the candidates.
  • If after the first round no candidate holds a majority of votes, then the candidate with the fewest votes will be eliminated and another count will immediately take place.
  • The votes for an eliminated canidate will be reallocated to the voters' second or third choice canidate for any additional rounds.

Results, Resources, and Disclosure Data

All resources, announcements, and related information can be found on the ASUO Website. Election results will be posted there at the conclusion of the election.

About ASUO

Amplify Your Voice

The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (“ASUO”) is the recognized student government body at the University of Oregon. It is run by students, for students.

ASUO’s elected Officials, volunteers, and members advocate on behalf of students at the campus, city, state, and federal level. Our officials are engaged in the creation of legislative policy, the promotion and management of university-wide campaigns, and the coordination of the student organization recognition process. The ASUO also recommends and allocates the student Incidental Fee.

The Incidental Fee

Every term students pay their tuition and fees. In those student fees, also called Incidental Fees or the “I-Fee,” students pay for a variety of services on campus that support student organizations, services, and activities. A common misconception is that the endeavors paid for by the Incidental Fee are free. In fact, ASUO's elected officials allocate funding from students’ money for a variety of purposes for our campus community. Here are some services that students PAY for through the Incidental Fee:

  • LTD: The ability to ride any LTD bus without fare, including the EmX.
  • Student Legal Services: Students may obtain legal representation and counsel at no cost through ASUO Student Legal Services.
  • Childcare: Student parents may seek subsidized care for their children through Moss Street Children's Center and the Co-Op Family Center.
  • Advocacy: Students who are adverse to the university may obtain information, guidance, and representation at no cost through the Student Advocacy Program.

Purpose of this Guide

The first digital Voter Guide was created in 2015, when the ASUO Elections Board partnered with several talented and ambitious students from the School of Journalism and Communication.

The Elections Board continues to promote the original vision of the Voter Guide: to be a resource where students may learn more about candidate platforms in order to make informed decisions about the students who will lead the campus moving forward. The decisions made by elected student officials have a direct impact on every UO student. ASUO is entrusted with the allocation of millions of Incidental Fee dollars. These funds support the UO endeavors related to student education, instruction, services, and recreation. 

Thank you for participating in the democratic process within ASUO! Please do not hesitate in contacting the Elections Board with any questions, comments, or concerns you have about the elections process.

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